Early Works

Before I painted on canvas, I used to work on paper, as large as I could. I used to do portraits when I was younger, but it was only after realising that I could really put myself across in an abstract way, that I fully connected to my work.

I think there is something very beautiful and complex about the way we all view artwork differently and how this also changes over time. These works, in pulling them into the light, have taken on a new meaning for me. What I once viewed as throwaway works, are now indicators of how I would develop as an artist. What I have kept to myself for a long time, I am happy to share.

I’m happy to present 9 works, made my myself, back in the early 2010’s… just as I was approaching tackling a canvas and large scale painting for the first time .

(All works, minus The Fall of The Courts, are going to be available in A1 frames, signed and framed for you to display if sold. The Fall of The Courts is not as large, sized found next to the work.)

Works available for Sale at 7pm, October 6th, 2023 as part of the exclusive Winter Sale.

  1. First Fall (2011)

- Acrylic and autumn leaf on Card.

Size: A1 (Signed and Framed)


2. Ink Print for Squid Ink (2012)

- Acrylic water print on paper..

Size: A1 (Signed and Framed)

3. Everybody Makes Mistakes (2011)

- Screen print duo, one final and another with a geometric flaw on card mount.

Size: A1 (Signed and Framed)

4. Sky Dance (2012)

- Acrylic, Pastel, Charcoal and Pencil on Card.

Size: A1 (Signed and Framed)


5. A Third Sun (2010)

- Acrylic, Pastel and Pencil on Card.

Size: A1 (Signed and Framed)

6. Shelter (2011)

- Acrylic, Pastel and Pencil on Card.

Size: A1 (Signed and Framed)

7. Emerald Abstract (2010) and Stone Print (2011)

— Two paired works in the one frame in the same mount. Rock print created from a print taken on a beach in Arbroath. Emerald abstract is one of the first abstracts I ever created, so is a little smaller, but both work together.

- Acrylic, Pastel and Pencil on Card.

Size: A1 (Signed and Framed)

8. Tree(polythene) Prints (2011)

— Two twinned prints from a collection of polythene acrylic press prints I did when working on an environmental project with a botanical theme.

- Acrylic prints on paper, mounted on A1 card

Size: A1 (Signed and Framed)

9. The Fall of The Courts (2009)

- Acrylic and pencil on paper, mounted on card.

70cm x 50cm (Signed and Framed)


